How to choose a pickled tomatoes

How to choose a pickled tomatoes

How to choose a pickled tomatoes.

It is believed that tomatoes, even canned retain all the vitamins. This means that we eat pickled tomatoes, not only for pleasure but also for the benefit. A rare case of canned food!

1. For the production of the product should be used uniform size and configuration of healthy, clean and not wrinkled, creased and not without mechanical damage vegetables.

2. Whole vegetables should occupy at least 50% of the total weight of the cans. For round vegetables allowable diameter of not more than 60 mm, plum – 25-40 mm and the length 35-70 mm. In this case, the premium canned fruits with cracked but nespolzshey skin should be not more than 20%, and tomato deformed no more than 10% (for the first grade – 15%). Visually it looks as if the bank eight tomatoes, the skin damage is permitted at the two fruits and only one can be deformed.

We can add, well, when the fruits of approximately the same size and maturity, then they taste the same.

3. Vegetables should be dense and nerazvarennymi and fill transparent particles with or without spices. And for the first grade allowed a small amount of suspended particles of pulp and certain seeds, causing a slight clouding of the marinade.

When buying pickled tomatoes, always pay attention to the date of manufacture. Fresh tomato product may be made only during the harvest, respectively this August and September, unless the raw material has not been grown in the fields of China, Vietnam and other faraway warm countries. If canned foods are made, for example, in the winter or spring months, it is likely to use frozen tomatoes.

Categories: How to choose

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