Properties juices

Properties juices

Properties juices.

Stereotypes – an insidious thing: the product of dubious benefit may have an impeccable reputation. It is worth thinking about what we eat and drink, to avoid the pitfalls of false representations. We begin with fresh juices.

For juice

Among the drinks we considered the flagship of a healthy diet, one of the top places takes fresh juice. Unlike packaged juices and nectars in fresh no added sugar, no preservatives, flavorings and colorings, in short, there is nothing but what nature has provided has given fruit juice.

Against juice

But does this mean that the more fresh juice we drink, the healthier become? Not at all. Still do not think of a more useful to quench your thirst than water: it has no sugar, no calories – in contrast to the juice.

Nutritionists warn that with fresh juices is very easy to consume a sizeable amount of calories and sugar, not even realizing this report. Imagine that you eat 4 oranges, one by one: a bit much, is not it? But that is the number of oranges is equivalent servings of orange juice in 250 ml. Sugar is found in all fruits: accordingly, it is, and in juices that are squeezed from the fruit pulp. So it turns out that, along with a glass of orange juice we get 20-25 grams (4 teaspoons) of sugar, which is more than a glass of Coke.

But what we do not get – so this fiber, which a lot of the original product, but there is practically no juice. In the same glass of orange juice its total 0.5 g, whereas in the same orange – about 2.5 g Meanwhile, according to the WHO guidelines must consume at least 25 grams of fiber per day.

Instead of juice

That is why nutritionists recommend to pour thirst water, tea, herbal tea – and limited to one glass of juice a day. Of course, it must be freshly squeezed, so that we can get more benefit from the vitamins, minerals and bioflavonoids, avoiding completely unnecessary for health. However, the best solution would be fruit in the “natural” form. Those who, for whatever reasons, does not feel sympathy for the apple, pear or orange as such, may resort to tricks and prepare fruit salad.


Categories: All about drinks

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