How to cook carp

How to cook carp

How to cook carp.

Carp, especially when fresh – fish tasty and nutritious. However, many do not like it. And one reason for that – many small and sharp stones. However, in China, where carp and spread around the world, have learned to solve the problem inherent to the Chinese culinary virtuosity. There carp dishes have always been considered a delicacy worthy of an emperor.

The most logical way to get rid of the need to select the bone – grind the fish fillets in the stuffing. In China, for example, are very popular small meatballs made from carp. Typically, besides their fish are always present and other ingredients. This can be ginger and green onions, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, and even some types of noodles. Often added to the minced fish and meat. Oddly enough, but the carp really goes well with pork. Do not believe me? The best way to see this – to cook soup with meatballs such.

To cut the carp into fillets, removing the backbone and rib bones. Chop the fish with an equal amount of lean pork stuffing to a state of uniform. Traditionally, this is done using two heavy knife, but it is quite suitable and conventional chopper. Add one egg, a little rice wine and starch. Season with salt, pepper and knead well. Stir in minced finely chopped leeks (white part only) and let stand for half an hour in the refrigerator. Then soaked in cold water hands roll of minced meat balls with a diameter of about 2 cm.

Bring to a boil the chicken broth. Gently lower it into meatballs, reduce heat and boil for five minutes, add the chopped straw top (green) of the leeks. You can also add some fresh mushrooms, such as oyster mushrooms. Then cook for another 5 minutes or less and serve, seasoned small amount of soy sauce, sprinkle with finely chopped chili pepper and cilantro.

There is a way to get rid of the problems with the bones and in the preparation of carp in its entirety. Before you send the fish in the pan in a double boiler or in the oven, along the entire length from the back should inflict deep cuts crosswise. At the same time, the more often will go incisions, the less inconvenience small bones deliver meals. The fact is that when cutting a bone not only crushed, but also significantly alleviated by direct thermal action. In addition, this method has another definite plus – spices and seasonings penetrate deeper into the meat, and fish cooking takes less time.

Also, however, it can proceed with the carp fillets. For example, a special thread that allows you to not only get rid of the bones, but also gives a spectacular view of the finished carp, used in one of the most popular Chinese dishes – “carp protein.”

By the way, in the preparation of carp in China, never skimp on spices and condiments. Even with a simple boiling a couple of carp usually generously flavored with rice wine and harbor sliced ​​into thin strips vegetables: green onion, sweet and hot peppers, bamboo shoots and ginger. Thus prepared carp can then be re-pepper strips of fresh vegetables and pour hot oil. Vegetables thus remain crunchy and the oil will give their flavor fish.

By the sweet meat of carp, steamed, ideal as hot bean sauce, allowing to the same level of some excess fat fish. In a heated wok, a small amount of vegetable oil to quickly fry the garlic, ginger and chilli. Add the spicy bean paste doubantszyan (if you do not find in China, the Korean approach – it is in any market). Wait until the paste warms up and pour a ladle or two of water or chicken broth. Add sugar and how to boil, add the green onions and a little rice vinegar. Then thicken the sauce starch with water and pour them carp.

Believe me, it is not necessary to abandon the carp. With the right approach to his cooking, nothing can stop to enjoy this beautiful fish with a delicious, slightly sweet and perfectly tender meat.

Moreover, in the big city, carp – one of the few fish that you can buy in a living form, that is in the highest degree of freshness.

Carp protein – recipe

What do you need:

  • 1 a carp weighing 1.2 kg
  • corn starch
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • a handful of pine nuts and fresh green peas to feed

For the sauce:

  • 6 tablespoons. l. tomato paste or ketchup
  • 6 tablespoons. l. Cold water
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. rice vinegar
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 1cm fresh ginger root
  • 1 small stalk of leek (white part)
  • 1-2 hours. L. cornstarch
  • salt

What to do:

Carp cleaned of scale, remove the entrails and gills, head cut off and set aside. To cut into fillets, removing the backbone and rib bones, but so that both fillets were attached to the tail.

Lay one fillet skin side down, and make cuts across, holding the knife at an oblique angle to the surface of the table, cutting almost to the end, but trying not to hurt the skin at the same time. You must start from the direction of the head portion to the tail. Then make the same deep cuts parallel to each other, but along the fillet. Knife thus be kept perpendicular to the table. The smaller the distance between the incisions, the better. The same is done with the second fillet.

Head carp fillet and both good roll in starch and fry separately heated to 190 Β° C in the deep-fried. Put on a paper towel to drain excess oil to prevent.

Prepare the sauce by mixing diluted with water or tomato paste ketchup, rice vinegar, sugar and salt. If necessary, rectify the sauce by adding sugar or vinegar. The taste should be both tart and sweet. In the heated skillet add a little vegetable oil and quickly fry the finely chopped ginger and leeks. Pour the sauce, bring to a boil and thicken with starch, diluted one to one with water. Add 2-3 tbsp. l. oil from the fryer and remove from heat.

The fish with the head on a plate, pour prepared sauce, sprinkled with fresh green peas (you can use defrosted) and pre-toasted pine nuts.

Categories: How to cook

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