5 facts about calcium

5 facts about calcium

5 facts about calcium.

In the fall of atmospheric pressure, many complain that they have aching bones. And this relationship is so firmly entrenched that mournful statements of national sign follows immediately: “It’s to bad weather.” With signs of not going to argue, but only add that it is the fact that out of the body once again leaked calcium!

1. As it turned bone tissue – a depot of calcium and phosphorus from the body by their lack retrieves these two most important minerals. A lack of calcium – a serious thing and can bring in changes in the bones and joints, osteoporosis and numerous diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular system.

2. Recent scientific studies have shown that resistance to malignancy depends on the strength of adhesion of cells. A calcium, our faithful assistant, just carries intercellular communication. The researchers also noticed that the more calcium reserve, the longer the body youthful and fit. The higher the concentration of calcium in the blood, the higher the chance for recovery of the patient.

3. Calcium is important for us, at any age, but at certain periods of life the need for it is increasing. These steps can be called the first year of life of the child, 5-7 years, 11-13 years old (at the time of intensive growth of the child). Calcium is needed for pregnant women waiting for the baby during breast-feeding him. For adults – 25-30 years of age and after 50.

4. Although the list of sources of the mineral is quite extensive, but there are some conditions that affect calcium absorption. Thus “bad” neighbors, if its redundancy is phosphorus, magnesium and potassium, as well as fat. But oxygen and easily digestible carbohydrates promote the transfer of calcium within the body and restore the energy spent on it. A more calcium to help it is imperative to give D. Witham

5. There is an opinion that is poorly absorbed calcium contained in wheat bread in the sorrel and spinach. And when cooking vegetables leaches the calcium, so you should use a vegetable broth, obtained by cooking. Currently, there is evidence that for the absorption of calcium derived from milk, it is necessary to expend too much energy, including part of the stock of calcium.
So what do you do in that case? You can as a food additive use of shell eggs. Some advise to mix the milled raw shell eggs with honey, others eat the shell and so. But better still to diversify your diet and include: nuts, cheese, sesame seeds, raisins, cabbage, celery, beans, beets, and fish in all its glory – here and salmon, and mackerel, and sardines.

Categories: Healthy foods

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