Where to buy a starter home yogurt?

Where to buy a starter home yogurt?

Where to buy a starter home yogurt?

The most useful fermented milk product that contains only natural ingredients. Unfortunately, naturalness can boast, not every store yogurt or cottage cheese. In the same yoghurt may contain a number of different impurities and additives of inorganic origin, natural therein only one name. In this case, there is nothing left to do, how to make yogurt at home. And to make it very easy: for this you need milk, yeast and suitable dishes.

Add the starter to milk (preferably superpasterizovannoe), mix, pour in the yogurt. After 8 hours, the yogurt is ready. In the absence of yogurt can be used a conventional pot, jar lid or a thermos. At the same time you are able to adjust the fat content of the product, add or not to add sugar, berries, honey and other natural supplements and delicious. And most importantly, you’ll know exactly what to eat high-quality product, in which there is nothing superfluous or harmful.

The main advantage of domestic products made sourdough – a high content of live beneficial microorganisms fermented milk, lacto-and bifidobacteria (probiotic), which naturally normalize intestinal microflora, improve the digestive system, a positive effect on the immune system.

Yogurt and other dairy products, cooked home-made, suitable for pregnant women, young mothers, people with digestive disorders, allergy sufferers taking antibiotics and recovering from illness, athletes and the elderly, of course, children (may be given from 1 year), as well as people, enthusiastic cooking, leading a healthy lifestyle, or wishing to lose weight.

Incidentally, yoghurt diet – one of the most simple and enjoyable. The principle of this diet is the use of yogurt in small quantities during the meal during the day. Plus: no need to change your diet rigidly, to give up favorite foods. The diet can be repeated regularly – weight on it goes slowly, which is a guarantee of its return in the future. You can try the following: Breakfast – yogurt, fruit, yogurt for lunch to add meat and salad for dinner – salad with yogurt or cottage cheese. The result of such a diet would be the loss of 2 to 4 kilos in 3 days.

Categories: Tips for parents

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